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Guns And Roses 的 Axl Rose 取代 Brian Johnson 成為 AC/DC 主唱..所以. AC/DC + Guns And Roses = Axl/Dc ?

這只是個玩笑..不過,聽起來像是 Guns And Roses  玩 AC/DC  的歌,確實也是很多人跟我一致的感覺...Axl Rose 是位特色強烈的主唱,他唱任何一個人,任何一個團的歌,都錯不了..一定都是拳拳到位.唯一的問題只在於死忠的 AC/DC 迷們,偏就要原汁原味的 AC/DC ?  還是可以脫離僵固的"一瓢飲",盡情享受搖滾樂的本質 ?

根據今天絕大多數音樂媒體,樂評界,或許多樂迷對於昨天晚上 AC/DC 在葡萄牙,里斯本的演出結果訪談報導,Axl/Dc 不再只是個笑話,而是多數樂評所稱的 "完勝"! 因為四月初在 Guns And Roses 演唱會上摔傷了左腿的 Axl Rose 昨晚坐在特製的"舞台椅"上,跟 AC/DC 團員的演出,證明了最近幾年歷經總總意外,損兵折將的 AC/DC 在 Angus 領軍下,仍然是一支了不起的搖滾樂團.證明了 Axl Rose 是位了不起的主唱.

我們擷取幾個媒體的樂評報導 :

sky news
Fans from across Europe travelled to Lisbon to see the gig and were mostly bowled over by the Guns N’ Roses singer’s performance.

Axl Rose makes AC/DC debut and silences critics as he ‘absolutely nails’ first performance

The Guardian ‘s
Rose brought menace and hints of psychopathy to Ac/ca Dacca’s Bon Scott-era anthology with his “brilliant” voice.

Classic Rock‘s
Rose “nailed” the songs, calling his performance “an astonishing tour-de-force” and adding that Axl “looks like he’s genuinely having fun”.

Rolling Stones
this monster mash-up of classic rock megabrands avoided becoming the Batman v Superman of hard rock (i.e., loud, flashy but ultimately empty); instead, the Lisbon performance hinted at the new union’s potential to be one of the touring hits of the summer

Team 的 Fraser Lewry 的這一篇樂評很犀利

Billboard  也有一篇很詳實的報導

~ 凌威
